
Oct 15 2024


10:00 am - 11:00 am

A Trauma-Informed Approach: Three Myths Busted

Amidst all of the trauma in the world, the time for a paradigm shift is now. Join Origins Training & Consulting for an overview of what a trauma-informed approach is (and what it isn’t!) and how you can apply these concepts in your setting. Whether you have just learned about ACEs, toxic stress, and the impact of trauma or have been using this approach for years, this FREE  webinar is a one-hour interactive session that will give you information and tools to help lead resilience in your organization or community and build a more resilient workforce. As part of this, you will explore the role of culture in a trauma-informed approach and work through an exercise to help you create and sustain a resilient culture.

Andi Fetzner, PsyD, and Lori Chelius, MBA/MPH, (co-founders of Origins) will focus on busting three myths many people have about what a trauma-informed approach is and how you can be a resilience champion. Origins Training & Consulting helps educators, health care professionals, social service workers, and other leaders integrate a trauma-informed approach into their work so they can build more resilient organizations and communities.